Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Wonderful World!!

I don't know if this is wonderful or perfect, but the people moving into the apartment upstairs are my boyfriend and one of his roommates! Chad has been renting the Grode house for over four years now (weird) and he's finally had enough. That and his fav roomie Ben has quit his job at ACE and is moving home to work on the oil lines. We will all miss that hairy sheep fucker. Anyway! Chad and Sue are tired of living with a dog that barks and with a kid who's almost an alcoholic, so they are moving in together, again, and moving to our apartment! He hasn't told the real landlord yet, but nobody reads my blog so I don't think I'm spilling the beans to anyone.

I am just so excited because everything in my life just seems to be taking huge steps right now and they are all in the right direction. Chad is going to be moving and he's so happy about that, I have a wonderful internship which is turning into a job, my interview for a second job went great and seems to make Chad happier than it makes me, a friend just started a relationship, and my roommate and I laugh all night everynight singing the Robot Chicken end song!!! Life is just really, really good right now.

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