Tuesday, January 26, 2010

lots of phone calls today

So now that the word is out and everyone in town is figuring out we actually have an opening day the calls and questions are coming in. There is a real deadline now and I'm not getting anywhere. The people I am requesting information from are either just as clueless as I am, on vacation, ignoring me, or are too busy to give me the attention I need.

What I feel the most bad about is the opening day is right in the middle of two different weddings, and the weddings are in February! There aren't a lot of weddings in February but I can't make it to either of them now because of this job. grrr. At least I hope my boss will let me go for the weekend prior so I can visit my Grandpa and Grandma Nelson on their 50th aniversary.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

drinking and drawing

So maybe I will make this a habit, writing while buzzed or while drinking. I feel more apt too sharing tmi and getting some emotions out. ;) If my bf were here I would not be blogging wink wink. I'd be cuddling. Cuddling is the best thing any couple can do, even if you aren't a couple cuddling is just awesome. I feel so bad for those people who don't like physical touch and instead are very turned off by a hug or a pat on the back. I could never live like that and it's hard when encountering a person like that...I feel like I've lost possible friendships or have weaker ones because I can't touch them and express my feelings because I have to respect their feelings. awkward. Then on the flip side I want to cuddle with friends I do have strong relationships with and that may just become too awkward too (bf might not like that).

I digress. I LOVE drawing. I love drawing my friends and yes I am cheap, so I give my drawings away as presents. If you haven't guessed (you future Hoar) you're getting a drawing. Maybe I'm being predictable, but I love drawing people, and happy people in love, is one of my comfortable zones. Since I have a job and no homework to occupy my evenings I think I will start branching out and try drawing different emotions, like sorrow, or happy. I have drawn anger and sorrow before but not anything that I want to share...maybe I should anyway. You can see the emotion in those drawings if you were blind. Yep...drinking definently helps my artistic side. I wish I drank in HS when I had an upheaval of emotions. I would be in the Louve by now!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


buzzed on a work night!

Ever wish the bar managers would ask you to compete in one of their competitions?? Like the School Girl competition they got going on next month, not that I want to compete and let men/strangers oogle at me. It's more like I want to compete and have fun with some of my girls and be sexy for my man. Weird, but if you got it flaunt it.

That's buzzed rational for you there! Love you all dear readers!!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

long weekend

my feet hurt.

That and my knees.

But that is because I've been up since 6am both days this weekend acting as site supervisor at the State Youth Basketball Tournament here in Bis, and then at night filming both Marauder basketball university games. Fortunately I was able to leave the youth tournament early both days and get a nap in....

I made a but load of money, learned some good things about P&R, and watched the Marauders win 3/4 games! It was overall a great weekend, but then someone goes and ruins it at the last minute. Someone who isn't optimistic about their team, but instead is painfully pessimistic and annoying. I told him we were going to win at half time, and he says "doubtful". We win at in overtime and he's complaining the whole time. Just go with the moment and live and enjoy and love unconditionally. Freaking fair weather fans. I hate em.

now my head hurts.

and my feet and knees.

Is this what you felt like AJ before your foot diagnosis?

point of the blog is, I just wanted to vent about my pain and frustration. I'm done now, and I'm going to bed.

Friday, January 1, 2010

2010 Resolution

I don't really like resolutions. They seem like goals people make just because everyone else is making one, and they don't put any heart into it. I believe that you can make a resolution any time of the year and it will mean much more to you if you do that. My resolution for 2009 was to get a tattoo, and I had several ideas printed and posted around my room so I would look at them everyday and think about my resolution. Unfortunately as of 11:59 on 12/31/09 I was still ink free, but that doesn't mean I'm giving up on that resolution. Just because my timeline expired doesn't mean the goal is unreachable now. I am still going to get my tattoo and it will be bitchin.

As for my resolution for 2010....my goal is to be irrational and do what God wants for me, to shut up and listen, and to finally find happiness and share it.