Friday, January 1, 2010

2010 Resolution

I don't really like resolutions. They seem like goals people make just because everyone else is making one, and they don't put any heart into it. I believe that you can make a resolution any time of the year and it will mean much more to you if you do that. My resolution for 2009 was to get a tattoo, and I had several ideas printed and posted around my room so I would look at them everyday and think about my resolution. Unfortunately as of 11:59 on 12/31/09 I was still ink free, but that doesn't mean I'm giving up on that resolution. Just because my timeline expired doesn't mean the goal is unreachable now. I am still going to get my tattoo and it will be bitchin.

As for my resolution for goal is to be irrational and do what God wants for me, to shut up and listen, and to finally find happiness and share it.

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