Sunday, January 3, 2010

long weekend

my feet hurt.

That and my knees.

But that is because I've been up since 6am both days this weekend acting as site supervisor at the State Youth Basketball Tournament here in Bis, and then at night filming both Marauder basketball university games. Fortunately I was able to leave the youth tournament early both days and get a nap in....

I made a but load of money, learned some good things about P&R, and watched the Marauders win 3/4 games! It was overall a great weekend, but then someone goes and ruins it at the last minute. Someone who isn't optimistic about their team, but instead is painfully pessimistic and annoying. I told him we were going to win at half time, and he says "doubtful". We win at in overtime and he's complaining the whole time. Just go with the moment and live and enjoy and love unconditionally. Freaking fair weather fans. I hate em.

now my head hurts.

and my feet and knees.

Is this what you felt like AJ before your foot diagnosis?

point of the blog is, I just wanted to vent about my pain and frustration. I'm done now, and I'm going to bed.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, dude...I couldn't walk. It took me a half hour to get across a 10-15 minute walk campus....

    Heating pads and ice...Hot showers. :) They did nothing for my problem, but they may help you.
